Friday, September 23, 2011

Would you like to have healthy eyes forever ?

What can I do to keep my eyes healthy ?

You will find in this short article a resume of the best practices and tips to take care of your eyes and keep them healthy.
Daily Care

- Sleep enough hours to wake up happy and rested.
- Do not abuse alcohol. Drink it with moderation.
- Do not smoke and do not end up in places with lots of smoke.
- Make a minimum of physical activity.
- Rinse your face with cool water and lightly wet your eyes.
- Drink water.
- Eat healthy food. Focus on fruits and vegetables as well as
  foods that are rich in fiber.
- Avoid exposing your eyes too long to the sunshine rays. Do not look at the sun without sunglasses with UV filters. Sometimes, even in the absence of sunshine, it is necessary to protect the eyes.
- Avoid rubbing your eyes too vigorously or touch the eyes without hands clean and dry.
- Suspend the use of a cosmetic product if it is causing irritation. If a problem persists, see your ophthalmologist.
- Do not fix your computer for more than 45 consecutive minutes. Take breaks and set off. Stay too long before a computer monitor or TV can lead to symptoms of discomfort.
- Maintain a reasonable distance between our eyes and the computer screen. (about 70cm)
- Make sure you have good lighting in the room where the computer is. Try to avoid shadows on the screen.
- If you regularly swim in the pool, it is advisable to wear goggles specifically designed for swimmers. 
- Avoid exposure to a room where the heater is either too intense or excessive.

Thanks and regards,

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